Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010

Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010
Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010

zaterdag 22 juni 2024

My artjournal, work in progress.

 Hi there,
Today a artjournal page.
Really more a little  stampbook for myself.
I had a stamp sheet with african animals.
Bought years ago. 
Finally used them.

donderdag 20 juni 2024

Made this happy grandma card for the "red, white and blue"challenge at Lost Coast Designs.

Hello dear card makers and stampers.
Today it is a very easy card.
So it is also easy for beginners.

What I used:
LCD Cari's old woman, party on!
Blue, red and skintone marker, and some light blue for her glasses.
Stazon jet black, (or any black will do).
Stazon Black cherry.

I started by stamping the background Bubbles with the Black Cherry Stazon.
Colored the circles in the white areas with the blue marker.

With white paper and a die, I made a shape for behind the old woman.
Stamped the text with stazon Jet black.
Stick this in the middle of the card with 3D foam tape.

Stamp the old woman with Stazon jet black and color her with the markers.
Cut out the old woman and stick her to the die cut with 3D foam tape.
Glue the whole thing on a double white card and you're done. 

Now I hope to see your art in the challenge.
Hope you win the price,which consists of stamps of your own choice.
Isn't that fantastic?

woensdag 12 juni 2024

Red, white and blue challenge at lost coast designs/Carmens Veranda stamps

Today a card with the fun big nose and pope clown.
These are really fun for the red, white and blue theme of this challenge. 

What I used for this card:
Hotfix silver stars and squares.
Pumice stone
Antique linen
Chipped Sapphire
Fired brick.
Versafine Onyx black

I started by giving the white paper a vintage color.
I know it's supposed to be white, but I wanted to give the card a vintage look.
I did that with Antique linen and Pumice stone.

I applied the red and blue distress ink with the stencil and an ink blender.
First one half, then turned the stencil over and inked up the other half of the paper with red.

While the stenciled background is drying, I stamped the clowns with versafine black.

I colored the clowns with the red and blue distredd ink.
Let them dry.

Now continue with 2 strips of paper and repeat the
vintage coloring in the same way as the card.

Stamp the rustic checkerboard border 3 times in red and blue.

Now it's a bit of a puzzle to get the patterns to match as well as possible.

Cut out the clowns and glue them onto the card.
Finish it all off with the silver stars.
Glue on to red and blue cardstock.
This was my contribution to the challenge.
Now I'm curious what you make in red, white and blue.
Maybe something for the 4th of July?
Show us and participate in the challenge.
Wouldn't it be nice if you were the new winner?
You can even participate with stamps from other brands.
That's all allowed, as long as you use stamps on your project or card.

donderdag 6 juni 2024

dinsdag 4 juni 2024

Red, white and blue challenge at Lost Coast Designs/Carmens veranda stamps.


Today this card for the new challenge at Lost Coast designs/Carmens Veranda stamps.
Red, white and blue.
How festive that is with the Fourth of July approaching.
This card can also easily be made by a beginner or advanced stamper.

Stamps I used:

Color pencils (I used Derwent colorsoft)
Stazon Black cherry
Stazon Midnight blue.

How to make the card.
I started by stamping the manga girl with stazon midnight blue.

Also stamp a mask and masked her off. 

The lovely flowers come in 4 sizes and 4 diferent flowers.
Just stamped around the manga girl in red and blue stazon.

Color some of the flowers and leave some white for the contrast. 
Color the manga girl.

Take some red white and blue cardstock for the background to matt.
And then you're done.
You could of course further decorate the card with glitter or sequins.
That's up to you.
I often find the simplicity beautiful.
Hope you enjoyed it, and see you next time.

zaterdag 1 juni 2024

New challenge at Lost Coast designs, Red White and Blue.

Hello everybody,
 This month's challengechallenge at lost Coast designs is red, white and blue.
That's nice because next month is the 4th of July celebration in America.
So maybe the lost Coast Designs team can inspire you.
My contribution is this tag with the three gnomes.
And this is how I made it:

For the stripes, Brush strokes.
Party words,Party words,

Versa Magic,
Night sky, red magic.
Versafine onyx black.
Red, white and blue paper.
Banner die, mine has stars in it.
Stencil with small stars.
Border die with stars.
3 small star punches

I started by stamping the gnomes with the black versafine.
To determine the location I divided the tag into three horizontal planes.
So draw 2 thin lines with a pencil to indicate the areas.
Stamp the gnomes on the bottom line.

Mask the gnomes and place masking tape under their feet.

Stamp the four stripes with the long narrow stamp
 of the Brush strokes sheet and the red Versa magic.

Ink up the stencil with the blue versa magic.
Spray some water on it and press on the tag under the gnomes feet.

Because the stars and the dots could not be seen clearly,
I applied some lines with a brush and versamark magic blue.
This makes them easier to see.
I also colored the gnomes this way.
only their noses were done with a skin color pencil.

I die-cut the banner in blue and white paper.
And I swapped the white stars with the blue ones.

I glued the tag to a red, white and blue background.
Then I decorated the tag with the three colors of punched stars.
Stamp the words with the blue versa magic.
And lastly I glued the star border at the bottom of the tag.

I hope you liked it.
Maybe you too make something in these colors.
Then join the challenge and have a chance to win new stamps.
You can participate with stamps from other brands.
Click here for the challenge:challenge:
And here you can find the rules.
Good luck, en till next time.