Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010

Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010
Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010

woensdag 12 juni 2024

Red, white and blue challenge at lost coast designs/Carmens Veranda stamps

Today a card with the fun big nose and pope clown.
These are really fun for the red, white and blue theme of this challenge. 

What I used for this card:
Hotfix silver stars and squares.
Pumice stone
Antique linen
Chipped Sapphire
Fired brick.
Versafine Onyx black

I started by giving the white paper a vintage color.
I know it's supposed to be white, but I wanted to give the card a vintage look.
I did that with Antique linen and Pumice stone.

I applied the red and blue distress ink with the stencil and an ink blender.
First one half, then turned the stencil over and inked up the other half of the paper with red.

While the stenciled background is drying, I stamped the clowns with versafine black.

I colored the clowns with the red and blue distredd ink.
Let them dry.

Now continue with 2 strips of paper and repeat the
vintage coloring in the same way as the card.

Stamp the rustic checkerboard border 3 times in red and blue.

Now it's a bit of a puzzle to get the patterns to match as well as possible.

Cut out the clowns and glue them onto the card.
Finish it all off with the silver stars.
Glue on to red and blue cardstock.
This was my contribution to the challenge.
Now I'm curious what you make in red, white and blue.
Maybe something for the 4th of July?
Show us and participate in the challenge.
Wouldn't it be nice if you were the new winner?
You can even participate with stamps from other brands.
That's all allowed, as long as you use stamps on your project or card.

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